Hello! We are Hope Church in the beautiful Scottish Borders, a family of people of all ages and backgrounds who believe Jesus is alive and with us.

Whether you are a lifelong follower of Christ, want to grow in your faith or simply want to know more about Jesus, you are welcome!

We’re working hard to improve our website. You can find basic information here, but if you can’t see what you’re looking for, please get in touch.


There is a monthly rhythm to our Sundays at Hope Church to give us smaller, mid-sized and larger gatherings at locations across the Borders.


We don't meet in the same way each week at Hope. We encourage greater participation across a dispersed Borders community by giving opportunity for smaller, mid and larger gatherings:

Life Mission Sunday

On the first Sunday every month we meet smaller groups in varIous locations across the Borders.

Sunday Gatherings

On other mid-month Sundays we meet in Galashiels & Live Online at 10.30am, and in Newtown St Boswells at 3pm

All Together Gathering

On the last Sunday every month, we all come together as one church to worship and celebrate what Jesus is doing amongst us. We are currently meeting at St Paul’s Church, Galashiels for this.


We aim to livestream our Sunday Gatherings from 10.30am
for those who can’t make it to church in person.

All together gatherings will be audio recorded and shared online when possible.

If you’re new to Hope and don’t belong to a Life Mission Group yet, please join us 10:30am at Hope Central, Galashiels on Life Mission Sundays for LIFE Group - a group for people discovering what it means to join the Hope family.

Not in a group?

Already part of the family but not in a group? Contact us for details of a group near you.

Hope News

Coming up at Hope

All that we do only happens through grace empowered generosity of church family and supporters reflecting God’s generous heart.