We have several ways you can give in financially to the work we are doing at Hope Church.
Standing Order
Most of our income comes through monthly standing orders. This helps us to budget and is a simple way for you to maintain your regular giving even if you miss a Sunday.
You can set up a standing order to Hope Church with your online banking or branch. Our bank account details: Sort Code 09 01 28 Account number 56902913
Cash or Cheque
You can put money in Sunday offering box at church or send donation to us. Please make cheques payable to Hope Church Borders.
By Card
You can now also GIVE at Hope Church Galashiels on Sunday using your contactless bank card or mobile device. Ask a team member for help.
Or you can give online using the button below.
Please note online giving will go to the general fund. If your donation is for something specific, email accounts@hopechurchborders.org.uk to let us know.
Please consider applying gift aid to your tithes and offerings. For every £1 you give, church will receive an additional 25p. Fill out the Gift Aid Form below or contact our finance team for more information: accounts@hopechurchborders.org.uk
When you complete this form, we can claim gift aid on all your giving until you advise us otherwise. Please note that it is your responsibility to notify us if you:
Want to cancel this declaration
Change your name or home address
No longer pay sufficient tax on your income and / or capital gains