We are passionate about gathering together to worship our amazing God. We gather as family - people of different ages and backgrounds, our aim being to glorify God, worship Jesus and know the presence of the Holy Spirit.

Our gatherings aren't overly formal. We worship through song, prayer, testimony and Bible focussed preaching. We believe God gifts and speaks through His people so we make space for this. We have coffee afterwards - time to chat, meet others and ask questions.


We don't meet in the same way each week at Hope. We encourage greater participation across a dispersed Borders community by giving opportunity for smaller, mid and larger gatherings:

Life Mission Sunday

On the first Sunday every month we meet smaller groups in varIous locations across the Borders.

Sunday Gatherings

On other mid-month Sundays we meet in Galashiels & Live Online at 10.30am, and in Newtown St Boswells at 3pm

All Together Gathering

On the last Sunday every month, we all come together as one church to worship and celebrate what Jesus is doing amongst us. We are currently meeting at St Paul’s Church, Galashiels for this.


We have parent led creche facility for pre-schoolers called wee.hope, and our Hope Kids programme for primary age kids happens at our Galashiels, Newtown and All Together Gatherings. Additionally we have Hope Youth for teens at Galashiels.