Freedom from debt, we can help you get debt free!

At the Hope Borders Community Money Advice Connect Centre we know all about debt and its impact. Being in debt can feel like being in prison with no way out. It can make people feel afraid, ashamed, guilty and angry, and can make every part of life hard and stressful for those struggling to get free.

What do we do?

We offer free, confidential help and support tailored to best meet each individual need. Our fully trained Money Mentors spend as much time as is necessary getting to know the individual and the circumstances, accessing appropriate debt advice and providing teaching on how to budget effectively.

The process

Once you get in touch with us, we will arrange for an initial face to face meeting

A friendly Money Mentor will take time to hear your story to understand your concerns

Together you will look at your income and expenses and discuss options

With your agreement, the Money Mentor will discuss your situation with a qualified debt advisor from CMA Hub, who will create a plan just for you

Together, you and your Money Mentor will work through the plan

We will keep working with you from that first appointment, right through until everything is sorted, no matter how long it takes